CARUSO, based in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, has specialized in sun and eye protection since 1997. Our technology is patented in Switzerland. It is important to know that sunglasses with 100% UV protection only protect the front part of our eyes. Why not protect the back part like macula and retina?
There are no spare parts for this part of our organs from a medical point of view. Of the 5 sensory organs, the eye accounts for about 80%. Eyes and ears cannot be replaced in old age. A reason to prevent preventively. After a cataract, lens opacity / cataract surgery, the lens is removed. At the same time the self-protection is removed. The slightly yellowish/brownish lens additionally protects a part of the rear eye, such as the macula and retina. Therefore, it is very important after every cataract / cataract surgery to protect the eye not only with a conventional 100% UV protective glasses, but also with blue light, IR and a perfect side protection so that no stray light can enter from the side. If this is not done, AMD (age-related macular degeneration or retinal detachment) can be accelerated.
For all spectacle wearers we offer a multifunctional system in single vision, bifocal or progressive lenses. It is a small but important investment for a unique sensory organ that we do not want to miss. Invest in your eyes with CARUSO sunglasses. Eat well. You need antioxidants like lutein and zeanxanthin (kale, broccoli tomatoes etc.) as well as Omega 3. exercise and sport to keep your circulation going. Do not smoke so that the fine capillary system is not clogged first and protect your eyes from the accumulated radiation during your life, such as UV, blue light and infrared.
In the combination of all points, as well as in the prevention, in the implementation and in the discipline lies the key to push in the age the diseases like cataract, AMD, retinal detachment, as far as we only possible back. It is about seeing or not seeing in old age.