CARUSO, based in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, has specialized in sun and eye protection since 1997. Our technology is patented in Switzerland. It is important to know that sunglasses with 100% UV protection only protect the front part of our eyes. Why does one not protect the rear part like macula and retina? From a medical point of view, there are no spare parts for this part of our organs. Of the 5 sensory organs, the eye is approximately 80%. One more reason to protect it better.
For all spectacle wearers we offer a multifunctional system in single vision, bifocal or progressive lenses. According to EASA regulations, CARUSO pilot glasses can be used as a second or first pair of glasses in the cockpit. Today our technology is used successfully by many pilots all over the world. (See some references) We do not build polarization filters, as they are not approved for use on aircraft.